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Steve Diehl

Co-FOUNDER, Speaker, Author

Steve’s messages and style come out of almost 50 years of ministry, over forty-two years of marriage, raising six children, a degree in Biology, memorization of over 135 chapters of the Bible and a quiet intimacy with Jesus Christ.  His unswerving passion is to help people discover the vital truths of life that enable people to experience the reality of a loving God who heals and transforms lives.  

People find Steve easy to listen to because he is able to draw from many facets of life to make key, biblical truths both understandable and practical.  While holding a degree in Biology, Steve’s speaking style is simple and appealing.  People enjoy listening to Steve not only because of his sincerity, conviction and animated presentations, but also because they are consistently challenged with new insights and new perspectives on familiar themes.  Steve is able to help people see that the Bible makes sense and makes sense for their lives.

As a recorded minister in the Evangelical Friends Church Southwest, Steve served as a pastor for 20 years.  Prior to that, Steve and his wife, Becky, served as high school youth ministry directors for eleven years.  As a naturalist and an outdoorsman, Steve has spent over 60 weeks in Christian camping ministry.  Countless hours of pastoral counseling has given Steve a heartfelt connection with those who have been used and abused, neglected and abandoned.

Currently, Steve is director of and speaker for Forgiveness Ministries.  As such, Steve travels worldwide to facilitate inner healing and life transformation by teaching people how to practice of the full range of biblical forgiveness.