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Why Jesus Died for God, the World and for You

Jesus, God the Son, volunteered to become a human being and to pay the divine penalty for our sins by letting Himself be executed on a cross. By doing this God has forgiven us of the penalty for our sins. However, as important as this is, this is not the only thing that God accomplished through the death of Jesus. This document lists sixty-one different things God brought about through the Cross of Christ and the Bible verses from which they are drawn. The Cross of Christ is a treasure chest full of immeasurable riches. May you be overwhelmed with joy as you explore the gifts God has given you in Christ Jesus!


Because Jesus Is Alive…

Like the cross of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of Jesus is a treasure chest of amazing and wonderful blessings worthy of a lifetime of meditation and thanksgiving.  Without the resurrection, so much of God’s salvation would be left incomplete and the motivation to believe in Jesus would be crippled. And like the cross, the meaning and value of resurrection needed to be revealed by God and explained to His people through the Apostles and New Testament writers.  This document is simply a listing of the many things God has accomplished through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and some of the Bible verses that point us to those truths.  And as with the early followers of Jesus, as you meditate on these truths, may you be comforted, encouraged, strengthened, emboldened and better equipped to deal with all the sin, death and darkness in our world.